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/ CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 17 / CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 17 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-12].iso / CoolWB / Backdrops / MagicRabbits

Jump To: Directory (6)  |  Image (17)  |  Document (6)  |  Text (7)  |  Other (4)

Directories (6)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
640x256 Backdrop34   640x512 Backdrop114   BootPictures18
Misc4   Patterns192   Pics9

Images (17)

Document (6)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
Dont make newicons... Amigaguide Document 10 12KB 1996-03-05
Lepus_the.hguide Amigaguide Document 13 15KB 1997-05-12
Magic Hare Amigaguide Document 8 9KB 1995-12-01
Stop the violence Amigaguide Document 10 11KB 1995-12-20
The RabbitHabbit Amigaguide Document 8 8KB 1995-11-20
The ultimate feeling Amigaguide Document 8 8KB 1996-07-20

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
RabbitP1.readme Text File 78 4KB 1996-03-04
RabbitP2.readme Text File 66 3KB 1996-03-04
RabbitP3.readme Text File 59 3KB 1996-03-04
RabbitPattern4.readme Text File 85 4KB 1996-05-05
RabbitPattern5.readme Text File 15 470b 1996-07-20
RabbitPattern6.readme Text File 17 706b 1997-05-12
RabbitPatterns06.readme Text File 17 706b 1997-05-16

Other Files (4)
Dont make war, make love Amiga Preferences 434b 1995-05-21
Love Amiga Preferences 434b 1995-05-21
MagicRabbit Amiga Preferences 434b 1995-05-21
Save the rainforrest Amiga Preferences 434b 1995-05-21